Missing the game I love the most..
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
After a long sleep from the gaming world, last night I tried to siege again. I missed my friends a lot! Seeing the in-game characters makes me feel like I am seeing them in person. The fun, the 'kulitans' during the siege is what I miss the most.
Playing with my character makes me feel like we're as one. It made me release the stress from work. I had fun last night. I wish I could spend more time in playing with them. I miss the old times when we hang out at our tambayan just to have fun with each other. I miss the prontera market. Oh, I love roaming around and bargain for the cheapest price I could get.
But.. everything's a little bit different now. We're all growing old. We all have our personal lives to manage but the memories that we all shared through the years will remain forever... and forever that game will be in our hearts.
I am so glad that the friends that I've met through this game are the ones that I could turn to in the real world.
I love you Armada-Goonz family..
I love you Spammers!
I love you Datsoy..