Bad Connection
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I had a bad day today. When I woke up, it was brownout. Err, mosquitoes are biting me. I am planning to go out to take away my boredom but I have to save up because I am going out this saturday with my boyfriend. (i am a happy girl eh!) So I just stayed at home then later on, PLDT came because I applied for their dsl internet. I am official switching from Globe Visibility to PLDT My DSL. I am so excited but too bad I got disappointed to the service of PLDT at first because I couldn't access my blog and other websites. Err, thats why I wasn't able to post here at my blog. Sorry. I just hope that my connection will be stable.
Technical problems, pldt says. Errr so much of this. The frustration is mutual my friend.
Is there any problem with your globe connection?
Well, I'm currently on a dial-up and planning to switch connection after we move to our new house. Still, I don't know which provider is the best :|